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CEP Projects--click the button below for full details on each project




Airport Roundabout Landscaping

Appeal to the Great Spirit Landscaping

Bethel/Chadam Lane Landscaping
Bicentennial Park Landscaping 

Canan Commons Stage (with many others)
Central Ave. Tree Trimming & Landscaping

Cornerstone Park Redesign & Landscaping

Dam Removals, White River

Delaware County Building Landscaping & 

E. Jackson St. Entry Landscaping
E. Memorial St. Median Landscaping
Emerson Park

Fireman's Park Redesign and Landscaping
Flower Containers for Downtown Businesses and City Hall
Gilbert/High St. Triangle Landscaping
Gilbert/Mulberry St. Triangle Landscaping

Gilbert Park Landscaping

Hanging Baskets at Washington St. Bridge

Holiday Planters, Downtown Muncie

Kitselman Trailhead Bridge Financing (with many others)

McCulloch/Bunch Boulevard Medians Landscaping
McGalliard Rd. Tree Planting

McGalliard Road Median Landscaping

Meeks Ave./White River Boulevard Landscaping

Memorial Tree and Bench for Ray Lanum--Guthrie


Morrison Road Roundabout Landscaping
Police Officers Park Landscaping
Riverbend Park Design/Build/Landscaping at City Hall

"Spring Splash" Planters, Downtown Muncie
Tillotson Overpass Median Landscaping
Tuhey Park Landscaping (1st Project 1991)

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Landscaping--

Heekin Park
Walnut St./High St. Planter Flowers
Washington Park Tree Planting

W. Jackson St. Triangle Landscaping

CEP White River Greenway Projects

White River Greenway Trail Design

White River Greenway Bridge Landscapings

Design/Build (with BSU) of 5 White River Greenway Overlooks:

Bicentennial Overlook

Heron Overlook
Oakhurst Overlook
Riverview Overlook
Westpoint Overlook

CEP Current / Upcoming Projects

Muncie Memory Spiral -- Heekin Park

Rainbow Garden at Canan Commons

Tuhey Park Bathhouse Re-landscaping

Walnut Street Roundabout Re-landscaping

Project Photo Gallery

Click the photos to see the work and descriptions of the CEP in and around Muncie!


CEP also fights Global Warming with our Carbon Sequestration Program. CEP has planted more than 3000 trees. Many more have been planted by businesses, schools and government. CEP sponsors an Urban Forestry Program and helped draft a Landscape Ordinance. The ordinance is perhaps not as strong as preferred, but it is catching on. Many comply even when not mandated to do so.

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