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PO Box 1892
420 South High Street, Suite 204
Muncie, IN 47305
Tel: 765-284-4489

Community Enhancement Projects (CEP) Inc. is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization dedicated to the beautification and renewal of Muncie and Delaware County

News and Information

What We Do

Community Enhancement Projects (CEP) Inc., is a 501(C)(3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to the beautification and renewal of Muncie and Delaware County.


CEP’s directors and board members (all volunteers) represent a number of professional disciplines and donate unlimited talent and time to complete projects that enhance the community. We all realize that if our community is to prosper, especially during times of economic difficulty, we must make it attractive to potential investors and continuing stakeholders. Small things such as the attractiveness of the landscape or entrance to a park make lasting impressions on visitors and people living in a community. This is where we focus our effort.
The committee selects projects throughout the county. We evaluate individual need and professionally design enhancement improvements for given projects. Proper maintenance is vital to the integrity of the original design and continued success of a project. Along with regular city park department maintenance, we contract with professional landscape firms to assure appropriate maintenance is provided during the years to follow.
We always welcome suggestions for projects that would further enhance the appearance of the community and contribute to the well being of our fellow citizens. Working together, we can make a difference.  (adapted from Tom Smith’s 2003 President’s Message)


​Our Mission

To foster through our beautification efforts, a cooperative environment wherein area citizens, government, industry and organizations continue to enhance and improve our quality of life for today’s community and for future generations.

Our Goals & Objectives

  • To enrich the lives of citizens in the community of Muncie and Delaware County, Indiana by improving the attractiveness of the community.

  • To foster cooperative beautification efforts between public and private organizations.

  • To create, educate and sustain greater community awareness regarding beautification.

  • To plan and execute beautification on an organized and professional level.

  • To encourage individuals, businesses, organizations and foundations to provide financial support for beautification projects.


If it's worth doing, we'll find a way!


Mission, Goals & Objectives

© 2013 by CEP, Inc. CEP is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to the beautification and renewal of Muncie and Delaware County, Indiana.

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